Fare attributes
Differentiate fares on the same itinerary based on attributes, such as baggage allowance, seat selection, allowed changes, and more.
Make it easy for your users to book what they're looking for - offer the right fare to the right traveler and see conversion increase dramatically.
Offer your users the personalized experience they seek and give them a reason to return to you directly, saving you countless in marketing money.
Upsold fares mean higher ticket prices, boosting your total annual ticket value and earning you higher commission from your airline partners.
We provide data for the world's top 100 airlines and 76 frequent flyer programs, serving you no matter where your market is.
Level miles | 12,300 |
Qualifying flights | 4 |
You've reached next status tier!
Differentiate fares on the same itinerary based on attributes, such as baggage allowance, seat selection, allowed changes, and more.
Include how many miles a fare earns to the traveler's frequent flyer memberships, even on travel with alliance and partner carriers.
List the eligible frequent flyer benefits of all fares accordingy to the traveler's program memberships including lounge access, priority lanes, preferred seating, and more.
Indicate which fares are eligible for mileage upgrades to higher cabin classes.
Our technology de-commoditizes the fares by surfacing the elements of importance to each individual traveler based on their traveler profile.
Let travelers sync their frequent flyer accounts with the booking tool to retrieve mileage balances and status tiers, while automatically personalizing each subsequent search.
Refer to our integration guides, articles and API documentation in our section dedicated for Developers.
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